Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Flaming Object and the Recording Device

On February 14th and 15th 2013 a large meteor entered the earth's atmosphere and streaked across the sky in western Russia. There was a compilation of videos posted on YouTube showing the meteor race across the sky and eventually crash in Siberia. You can see the videos at this link:

Although the actual event is frightening, it is amazing that many people accidentally but easily recorded it. I think it is wonderful that technology has evolved to the point where many people can just pull out a recording device to capture moments in life so easily.This event being captured by many people and later shared with many other people displays how technology can connect people around the world.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Cyberpunk

Hacking has always stirred up both uneasiness and curiosity in me. The curiosity because it takes a very intelligent and skilled person to be a hacker. I have never hacked anything, but there has always been that side of me that longs to start computer hacking. I think it is because hackers are kind of the movie stars of computer geeks right now. In action films they always have to bring in the hacker to hack into the security system to mess with the security cameras. I also feel uneasy about hacking because it's real and anyone can get hacked and their system can get really messed up. I also feel nervous about hacking because after reading The Cuckoo's Egg by Cliff Stoll, I'm worried that authority figures are not taking hacking very seriously. I am probably being too paranoid, but I worry that hacking is going to have to get really big and out of control in order for it to be a major concern for authorities.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Female Key Puncher

I went to my first "Women in Computer Science" club this past Wednesday. I wish I had gone to one earlier in my past school years. I never went because I felt like it was not necessary, and I would not have very much to talk about with the other girls in the program. I should not have assumed so quickly. The girls were kind and fun. I could relate with them. We had conversations that were intellectual, casual, and fun. In addition to attending this club, I read several articles on women and computer science. Several of the articles mentioned that few women study computer science because of their lack of confidence in the subject. I can understand why this is a reason. I started out in the major with very little confidence in myself. If it had not been for supportive friends and family, I may not have made it this far in the program. I only wish that I had searched for women in my field of study with which to relate and study. That would have affected my life more positively in the area of confidence and easiness. If schools pushed that women who were curious about computer science met and got to know the other women in that field, the enrollment in the program might improve. This may not be the major solution to why few women study computer science, but I see it as a possible solution to boosting the confidence of women and letting them know that they are not alone in this major.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Lighter Laptop

Microsoft is coming out with a new personal computer. It looks like a large tablet with a keyboard that you can attach and detach from the computer. This is extremely exciting. Computers are evolving so quickly. I think of the computers from the 1990s and how bulky and heavy they were. I also remember my first job on tech support at Argonne National Laboratory. I would break a sweat carrying several of those computers from one room to another. Today I can carry a computer with my fingertips. I do not work a lot with computer hardware, so seeing how they are the reducing the size of the hardware so quickly is mesmerizing to me.