Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Twitter and LDS Conference

This past April General Conference, I tried tweeting during the first session on Saturday April sixth. There were both negative and positive effects in the experience. There really was only one negative outcome of the experience. At one point, I noticed quotes being posted of the talks that I was missing the speakers actually saying. I was focusing too much on reading the posts from others that I was forgetting to actually listen to the speakers. 

Even though there was one negative part to tweeting during conference, there were still positive parts of the experience. The positive effects were several points that I would either tweet or read from other tweets that I would remember throughout the day. Another positive part of tweeting during conference was that I would not fall asleep during any of the talks. Finally, I felt connected with other people. Even though I did not talk to anyone directly, I felt like I was sharing a common interest with them, and that was a connection I liked having to other people. 

I would say the tweeting experience was more positive than negative an experience. I will probably do it again next general conference.

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